Career Timeline

Working in Crypto and Tech

The Bootstrap Era


  • After College (Finance, minor: Math), drove out to Silicon Valley to do something in bitcoin
  • BD and Research contracting, eventually working at a young crypto startup, Cobalt, directly with founders
  • Promoted to BD for all bitcoin/crypto companies
  • The Close-to-Product Era


  • Moved into the Cryptocastle, first or second non-Augur person to do so
  • Didn't believe in Ethereum, but bought into the crowdsale b/c everyone around me was into it so figured maybe I was wrong.. 😂
  • Learned to code to be closer to product decisions. Started with iOS, expanded eventually to Python, Solidity, Javascript, etc
  • Started full time consulting-- picked up (mostly crypto) consulting gigs from network, word of mouth, and crypto events
  • Started working consistently for a crypto hedge fund as their technical backend
  • The Gryphon Trading Era


  • Used Gryphon for the hedge fund's backend, decided with the architect of Gryphon that we could make a good business out of implementing it as a backend for more than just one fund
  • Gryphon has had billions of dollars run through it, making it one of the most stable and lossless solutions out there
  • The backend is a trading engine that uses API wrappers to connect to crypto exchanges. It also allows for custom strategies to be built too.
  • Our business set up the trading backend and built any custom wrappers the client required, and translated any strategies they had from concept to code.
  • Worked with funds worth from $4M to $1 Billion
  • The Covid Era


  • Worked with a YC EdTech company, modified and improved their AI model, and website (Django)
  • Moved Homebase from SF to Austin TX 🌞
  • Hedge Fund / fintech consulting, including with Hummingbot, Gryphon, and DeFi
  • The Securities Era


  • Led team of 3-6 to create a fractionalized real estate token
  • Lead Blockchain Eng, built smart contracts, integrations, everything that need be done
  • Extensive work with lawyers and securities law
  • No shortage of technical problems solved
  • When weekends weren't full took on consulting work (including with Lit Protocol)
  • Brought in as Lead for a venture studio startup
  • Built beautiful consumer facing app to buy fractionalized and tokenized real estate
  • Deep experience in SEC private offering regs, hiring, tokenizing, up/downsides of alt networks, etc
  • The Gaming Era


  • Tapped to help Earn Alliance and Last Remains build web3 gaming NFTs
  • Strategic advisory and smart contract consulting
  • Fully integrated with their whole team, CEO and about 10-15 people
  • Point person on their external crypto relationships
  • Point person on their external crypto relationships
  • The Travel + Code + Community Era

    late 2023-2024

  • Travelled in Europe + Argentina
  • Building on personal projects
  • Trading
  • Run/Co-Run 2 Austin Meetups, DeFi Austin (more discussions) and Ethereum Austin (largest ETH meetup in Austin)

  • Portfolio of Documenation Samples

    Projects Page

    Notable Other Experience in:

    Arweave Ecosystem, NFTs, Air Assault Qualified
    Comparative Legal Jurisdiction (securities), Key Mgmt/identity
    History (econ, legal, geopolitical), German

    Find Me:
    ✉️ elliott[at]tothemoon[dot]email
